Painting Glowing Lascannon Effects


Lascannons, the backbone of Imperial anti-armor. With a stat line of S9 AP-3 and D6 damage, these weapons will punch a hole in whatever they are pointed at! I wanted to give my devastator’s lascannons a glowing coil effect, and in this tutorial I will show you how I did it!

I used the flowing paints:

  • Citadel
    • Mephiston Red
    • Troll Slayer Orange
    • Seraphim Sepia
    • Nuln Oil
  • Vallejo
    • Flat Red

To start, base coat the coils with Mephiston Red. Make sure to thin your paints with a little water first. Otherwise the following coats will lump on top of the thick base coat and look bad. (This is a good general principal to use for any painting)

Next add a layer of Vallejo Red, focusing on the recesses.

Now take Troll Slayer Orange and carefully paint the coils themselves. I used a fine detail brush as not to get orange into the recesses. Touch up any areas you spill over from the coils with Vallejo Red.


Finally, once the paint is done drying, add a wash of Seraphim Sepia, making sure to only coat the coils. IMPORTANT! Make sure that the paint is fully dry before applying the wash. If the paint is still wet the wash will make the paint run and ruin your work!

The one on the left has no wash while the right one has the Seraphim Sepia. The details really pop! In retrospect I wish I would’ve used less wash, but otherwise I’m pleased with the results. Once you are done painting the entire weapon apply a light coat of Nuln Oil. This will draw all the colors together and make a nice finished project!

A word of warning. Make sure that you don’t have any paint on your fingers while handling the model or you may run into this issue…FullSizeRender (1)

The nice part of this tutorial is that you can substitute any of the colors and still have the same effect. For example, if you wanted a blue glowing effect, you could use Macragge Blue as the base, followed by Caledor Sky  for the recesses and Calgar Blue for the raised coils. Wash Nuln Oil and you will be all set!

I hope you found this tutorial helpful. While far from award winning quality, the principal can be followed to achieve an awesome glowing weapon effect!

Adeptus Custodes v. Adeptus Astartes


I’m eyeing starting a Custodes army. Their models look awesome and on paper they seem to hit like a truck. As starting an army will cost a fair amount and Custodes point values are very high,  I decided to proxy a few games to see how they fair.

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I used this Custodes list:

  • HQ
    • Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike

      Selections: Auric Aquilis, Hurricane Bolter, Superior Creation, Warlord

  • Troops
    • Custodian Guard Squad
      • Custodian

        Selections: Guardian Spear

      • Custodian

        Selections: Guardian Spear

      • Custodian

        Selections: Misericordia, Sentinel Blade, Storm Shield

  • Fast Attack
    • Vertus Praetors
      • Vertus Praetor

        Selections: Hurricane Bolter

      • Vertus Praetor

        Selections: Hurricane Bolter

      • Vertus Praetor

        Selections: Hurricane Bolter

Total: [32 PL, 597pts]


Against them, I ran this Space Marine list:


    • **Chapter Selection**

      Selections: Raven Guard

  • HQ
    • Captain

      Selections: Bolt pistol, Chainsword, Teeth of Terra

  • Troops
    • Scout Squad

      Selections: 10x Camo cloak

      • Scout Sergeant

        Selections: Chainsword, Sniper rifle

      • 9x Scout w/Sniper Rifle

        Selections: 9x Sniper rifle

  • Elites
    • Aggressor Squad

      Selections: 2x Aggressor, Aggressor Sergeant, Flamestorm Gauntlets

  • Heavy Support
    • Devastator Squad
      • 5x Space Marine
      • Space Marine Sergeant

        Selections: Chainsword, Storm bolter

      • Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon

        Selections: Plasma cannon

      • Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon

        Selections: Lascannon

      • Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon

        Selections: Lascannon

      • Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon

        Selections: Lascannon

Total: [32 PL, 599pts]


I played two games of Search and Destroy on a standard 4×4 board with ample terrain.

Game 1

The first game, Space Marines seized the initiative and started turn 1.

Using the Raven Guard Stratagem “Strike from the Shadows”, I placed my Aggressors 9″ away from the squad of Custodian Guard. They moved up within easy charging range during their movement. During the shooting phase, my Sniper Scouts killed one custodian with their sniper rifle’s mortal wounds. This softened up the Custodians for my Aggressors to hose down with flames before charging in and killing the second Custodian. The last Custodian struck back and killed one Aggressor with ease. On the other side of the table, my devastators killed one Praetor outright and put a wound on another in the squad. The rest of the shooting phase was uneventful. Once the custodians got their turn, the game turned into a bloodbath.

The two remaining praetors and Shield-Captain moved up to attack the Devastators. With three hurricane bolters, the Custodes made short work of the bolter marines and the plasma cannon. During the charging phase my Shield-Captain charged the Space Marine Captain while the Praetors made for the remaining Devastators. Both succeeded the charge and proceeded to wipe out their targets. The last footslogging Custode was left standing with one wound left after killing another Aggressor.

Turn two saw the Space Marines wiped from the table. While the last Aggressor killed the last Custode, he was mowed down by the Shield-Captain’s hurricane bolter. The sniper scouts managed to kill the Praetors thanks to some lucky sixes and some poor rolling but were eventually wiped out by the Shield-Captain. He remained standing alone on the tabletop with 2 wounds remaining. Initially I was a little underwhelmed by their performance. But round two changed my mind.


Game 2

I reset the deployment as exactly the same as the first game, but instead started with the Custodes.

Turn 1 was brutal. The Custodians moved up to attack the Aggressors while the Praetors and Shield-Captain moved to take on the devastators and Space Marine Captain. The combined power of 4 hurricane bolters wiped out 6 of the 10 Devastators, while the charge from the Praetors wiped up the stragglers. The Shield-Captain succeeded charging the Space Marine Captain, dishing out 3 wounds and taking 2 in return. The Custodians killed one Aggressor with their guns and another with their melee weapons. During the Space Marine’s turn, the last Aggressor fell back while the scouts took their shots at the Custodes. A poor set of rolling only put 1 wound on the Custodes, while in the fight phase the Captain was wiped out by the Shield-Captain.

Turn 2 saw the last Aggressor gunned down by the Shield Captain and Praetors as they moved toward the scouts. The Custodians killed 5 scouts with their Guardian Spear’s and Sentinel Blade’s guns, and finished them off in close combat. A solid victory for the Custodes.



Though the lists were far from optimized, the first game was pretty evenly matched. Thanks to scout’s mortal wounds and a few good lascannon shots, the Space Marines were able to hold their own fairly well.  I think if the game would have had objectives, the Space Marine would have won simply due to the fact that they have more bodies on the field. If I would have taken a Dreadnought like I usually do, the jet bikes wouldn’t have been as effective in close combat.

The second game shows how well an alpha strike can throw off a game. During the first turn, the Praetors managed to destroy the devastators before taking any return fire, thus neutralizing 1 of 2 major threats. The Custodians put the hurt on the Aggressors and managed to evade the mortal wounds from the scouts, further sealing the Space Marine’s doom. The sheer mobility and power of the Praetors is awesome. Since they stayed close to the Shield-Captain, they gained re-rolls of 1s. Their WS and BS is already a 2+, meaning that most shots/hits connected. Their melee weapons allow for re-rolling all failed wounds if they succeed a charge, meaning that they are re-rolling all fails to hit and wound. This is extra powerful considering that their damage is D3.


Overall I liked their play style. I played an elite vs elite game, and the mobility shows its superiority. However, against a horde army like the guard, I wonder how the Custodians would fare. Before I buy I’ll run a few games against the Astra Militarum and see how the bodyguards of the Emperor fare against his Hammer!

March of the Space Marines

Back injuries take months to heal. The slow realization that I wouldn’t simply bounce back like I always have initially sat very badly with me. Soon I realized that this was actually a great opportunity to delve into new interests. I’ve had the chance to try out lots of new things in the past few months, but one of my favorites is more of a rediscovery. I became interested in Warhammer 40000 after playing some of the PC video games such as Dawn of War, Space Marine and Battlefleet Gothic. Being drawn to strategy games since I was a kid, Warhammer seemed like an awesome new series to get into. As I played I began to research some of the other games that were available. I discovered that Warhammer was originally a table top game before becoming digitized, and having been raised playing with Lego, I was immediately drawn to the miniatures. Soon I made the 90 minute trek to the nearest Games Workshop store and became the proud owner of a box of tactical space marines. I painted on occasion for a few weeks before the demands of school and work drew my attention elsewhere. Even though I didn’t have to time to paint, I continued to purchase boxes of space marines. After several months I had amassed a rather sizable stack of unopened minis. The “plastic crack” addiction was real, again owing the deep set need for more to my indoctrination at a young age to Lego.

About a month into my back’s recovery I noticed the stack of Space Marines looming in their corner. Dealing with the sudden redirection of my life course I sought something to distract from the chaos of my life. The stack of space marines was the solution. I picked up a brush, put paint to plastic and have enjoyed every moment since.

Anyone who does a quick search on Google for Warhammer 40000 painted minis will find thousands of pictures of awesome creations. Some are so well done that at a certain angle they appear to be lifelike. One day I hope to be a fraction as good as these painters, but for now I accept my mediocrity. In upcoming posts I will be chronicling my progress on my space marine force as well as any tips I discover or learn. I hope that if you are interested in painting that I can help you learn some things from a newbie’s perspective. Or at the very least, show you what not to do.